
Saturday, November 7, 2009


I'm home from pretending to be a nurse and housekeeper after my son's elbow surgery. The surgery went well, so I was not going to miss the opportunity to meet a fellow blogging friend, Chari of Happy to Design.

Both my son and Chari live in the 'boonies' of northern Colorado, so we picked a town in between the two little hamlets for Chari and I to meet. Chari chose a great restaurant for us to have lunch, and we met there. I didn't have any trouble recognizing her - she has this beautiful, long blond hair and such a twinkle in her eye.

We had a great lunch of sandwiches and the best onion rings in the universe. We didn't even think to take pictures of our food until it was too late, as we were so engrossed in conversation. For three hours, we sat there discussing our European travels, our families, the blogging experience, dishes, and decorating our homes among other things.

By the way, if you follow Chari's blog you know she is in the process of redoing a wall in her living room to add a fireplace. There has been a lot of discussion about whether to remove the decorative molding on the wall. Well, I know what the final decision was; but you will have to wait until she does her final reveal on her blog!!

Chari was so kind to bring me a great goodie bag with yummy chocolate (which we sampled after lunch), cute apple kitchen towels (which match my kitchen perfectly), and this cute teapot pincushion. The lid of the pincushion is hiding a place to store thread and thimbles.

What a special experience it was to meet Chari and spend some time together. We hope to do it again.


  1. Hi salmagundi!
    Welcome back, and so happy to hear your son is doing okay and recovering from his surgery.

    How fun to meet a fellow blogger. I believe it is just wonderful to be able to meet them face to face after conversing on the blog for such a length of time.

    I love the little tea pot. Did Chari make it? It looks like a Mary Engelbreit. The colors are so spirit lifting. I am going to go over and introduce myself to Chari.

    Thanks for sharing today. Please stop by and visit my pink post today. I would so love to share with you. Country hugs, Sherry

  2. Oh Sally I'm so glad you gals got to meet..she is not the best...I love Chari to pieces and I already know what she did with the fireplace ha ha!! I can't wait to see the whole thing dne..she 's got beautifu taste so know it wil look great..How cute is that pin cushion boy she knows you for sure...Hope all is great on your side of the mountain my friend...hugs and smies Gloria

  3. OH YAH! There's my beautiful friend Chari! She is just the kindest and most sweetest person ever! I love the gifts she got you, just darling! I can't wait to see the fireplace, Chari has such fabulous ideas! Looks like you two had a wonderful day. Thanks for sharing this, Cindy

  4. How fun to meet a blogger. Sounds like you had a great time. I've only met a couple of bloggers. Only one I didn't know before blogging though.

    Chari's gifts are wonderful! I love that little teapot!

  5. Sally I am so jealous!! I wish I could have shrunk this lanky bod of mine and hit in your suitcase!! I am so hoping I will have the opportunity to meet Chari in person- I think she was the very first friend I met through the new venue of blogging!

    I am so glad Mike is doing well and I know that is a relief for you! I am sure he appreciates having his mom there!!

    We had more company this week and so I am behind again on just about everything- but so enjoyed our friend's visit. They are the ones who encouraged us to go with AMF.


  6. How lovely to meet you Sally, via Cheri's lovely introduction to you!..,

    I think you deserve a great big "hug"; just for being you and for all the sweetness of who you apparently are!~ How do I know all of this you ask?~ Well quite simply, because dear Chari has given us the pleasure of having a wee little glimpse into your lovely soul!

    As it has been has often said by sage souls;" When you see a little glimpse of a person's inward beauty and character revealed; expect that to be merely "the tip of the iceburg", so to speak! ~There is very often, a whole lot more goodness and delight, yet undiscovered where that loveliness came from; from deep within the wellspring of one's inward beauty and the very essence of their soul shining through!..,

    A pleasure to meet you lovely lady!

    I'm so glad you two "girls" at heart, giggled, munched and lunched your way through your serendipitous meeting of bloggy, loving hearts and minds when you met for your lunch together my dear!~It's great that you had a wonderful day and also that your son is nicely recovering!..,

    I also enjoy your blog by the way; it's truly special like you!..,

    Do feel most welcome to pop by to my little corner of the blogging world sometime!..,

    Cheers from silken Purse

  7. Hi Sally! Glad to hear your son is doing well and I'm sure you were a very good nurse! :)
    Oh how great to get to meet Chari! What a lovely lady and it's nice to see her after following her blog for some time. What great gifts she brought you!
    Wish I could meet someone. You've been having a ball, haven't you?
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Hey Nurse Sally....great to have you back....hope your son's elbow is on the mend...nothing more fun then a blog lunch....just had one here in Atlanta with 7 zany ladies we had a ball...especially when Joyce from Flour Power tried to climb up onto a statue of an Elk....all pictures on the blog....Happy to have you back....Sue.

  9. Mornin' Girlfriend...

    Well...I'm sitting here with my big ol' cup of coffee just trying to wake up...visiting the blogs! Hehe! I told Russell the other day that it was like reading the morning paper over a cup of coffee! Although, I probably should really wait till I wake up before writing any comments! You wouldn't believe how many typos I've had to correct just in writing this!

    Well my friend...thank you again for meeting with me for lunch...I just had the best time ever! I was thinking about our lunch on the drive home that afternoon...the three hours that we spent just having a leisurely lunch and visit is so "European"! Hehe! They always take long lunches. Speaking of lunch...I forgot to ask you how that chicken sandwhich was? Girl, my corned beef is still sitting in the frig...I think kitties are going to get it for lunch today! Quite honestly...they put way too much corned beef on it! It would have been much better with a little less meat!

    Girl, thank you for doing such a nice write up about out lunch date! You were so much more descriptive than I was...hehe! I was in such a hurry to get home and blog about it..mine was kind of short but hopefully sweet! And...I would love to be able to get together again!!! I soooo enjoyed our visit!

    I'm glad that you made it back home safely! Hope that Mike's elbow is healing nicely! I bet he really enjoyed having his Mom there...nursemaid or not...there's nothing like having Mom around to make things better! wink!

    Well my friend, I went up to Greeley yesterday...found a couple of chairs on Craigslist that I felt I just "had to have"! I left early in the day and didn't get back home till about 8pm. Of course, I ended up at Hobby Lobby! Hehe! I bought fabric to reupholster the chair! Eeekss...I hope that I can do that...I don't have much experience in that area but I'm always willing to give it my best shot! What have you been up to since you got home...anything good? Bet your honey was happy to see you after your week long absence!

    Have a wonderful day, Dearheart! And...thank you again for the lovely day...we'll have to do that again!!!

    Love ya,
    PS...I hope you know how special you are! Girl, I just don't let anyone take my photo...I always hate seeing pictures of myself! Eeeekkks!!!

  10. That teapot is awesome, blogfriends are the best !

  11. So happy for you two to have met up! You have so much in common...two of the sweetest bloggers I've had the pleasure to "know"!

  12. Sounds like you had a very nice time. And your goody bag is awesome...that was so sweet of her.

  13. Oh what fun that was! Love that pin cushion. Two of my favorite bloggers met each other! I'm jealous. laurie

  14. How lucky for both you and Chari! Such a sweet treat to meet a dear blog friend! I am so happy for both of you!
    So glad your son is doing better...having you there must have been such a comfort.
    Hey Sally! I still need to send the book you won in my giveaway! If you could send you address via email I will pop it in the mail!

  15. How wonderful for you to have met Chari in person. She is such a sweet girl! I just love that pin cushion, so unique!..Christine

  16. that is so neat that you had the opportunity to meet her!! and I do love that fireplace thingy she has put up. I love the pincushion--unique
