
Wednesday, May 5, 2010


May is the month of graduations, so I thought I would tell you a little graduation story.
My Dad graduated from high school in 1931; and as was the custom in small-town Colorado, the senior class went on a 
trip to the big city of Denver during graduation week.
Below is my Dad on the right pictured in his annual.  See his motto under his name -- "I love me, I love me, I love myself to death!"  He was quite full of himself!
 While the class was enjoying the sights and experiences of the big city, they stayed at the Shirley Savoy Hotel in downtown Denver.  
At that time not all hotel rooms had en suite bathrooms and the facilities were down the hall.  But the rooms were equipped with a chamber pot for those middle of the night needs.  Wouldn't you have hated being a hotel maid in those days - oh, my!
SOMEHOW the above chamber pot MANAGED to come home with my father from that trip.  He must have had a memorable trip because this pot was always around my parent's house.  Don't worry, my mother made sure it was thoroughly sterilized and sanitized.  She always used it to hold National Geographic magazines.
And what do I do with this graduation souvenir? 
I store it in the little cupboard part of a washstand that was in my Dad's room growing up.  This is what those little compartments were designed for originally.
Tick a lock!  Bye-Bye chamber pot!  I, for one, am glad I live in the land of attached bathrooms.

I'm linking up with Suzanne of Colorado Lady
for Vintage Thingies Thursday.


  1. Chuckle! So true of the times ... love his loving himself, what a sense of humor! I have my G'ma Maggie's pot.

    Have a great day!
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  2. Hi Sally! Oh, how cute! Your dad seemed to have great self esteem! ;)
    Now the chamber pot story is funny! Do you think he just took it? Reminds me of my daughter going to the drive up at the bank and coming home with the cylinder! :)
    I'm having a blog party Friday and I would love you to come.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Oh, your dad sounds like he was a barrel of fun! How great he swiped this from that trip....I just love it!! What a great family um....heirloom! Have a great VTT!

  4. I actually grew up in the country in Jamaica using chamber pots similar to those only ours were enamel. Thanks for sharing!

  5. hahaaahhhaa,...I know I would have loved your dad!!
    How fun to have this chamber pot that he swiped...that's priceless.
    hugs, bj

  6. Sounds like your dad was a fun guy--he really knew how to potty!

  7. What a fun post! I can tell you have your father's wonderful sence of humor. Thanks for the chuckle!

  8. My Gosh....This is like the ultimate family heirloom...Only you would have kept this all these years....And your father must have been a hoot...I love the saying under his picture...Have a wonderful Mother's Day!!

  9. Oh my gosh!! What great fun your father must have had. That has to be considered a family treasure..look at the risks he took..* ahem, setting it free from captivity in the hotel. :). Thank you for that laugh.. and happy VTT.

  10. Well, it is obvious your Dad was a hoot!!! In my Dad's high senior photo they asked what his pet peeve was and he said "School" and what he wanted to do : " Shoot deer"....he was full of himself too! Funny funny story! Happy VTT!

  11. Great story. The pot is quite attractive and I wouldn't have recognized what it is.

  12. What a great post! Your Dad sure was full of life! I love that you have that chamber pot, and a really great story to go with it. Yes, thank goodness for modern plumbing!
    Happy VTT!

  13. That is just one of the neatest posts I've ever seen! Not only do I love the items, but also the way you put it all together in a little story! I'll be following your blog---thank you for taking the time to post today!


  14. Awesome story! As a veteran thief myself, I enjoyed the story even more!

  15. Cute story! It is a really nice 'mint' chamberpot, you never now it might come in handy...

  16. Your Dad was a very debonaire guy, Great senior picture...... The chamber pot is such a neat item. Glad those days are by-gone days.
    Neat post.

  17. Pretty funny! Of all things to take : ))
    I didn't realize that there was a place in the washstands for them!

  18. I LOVE this story!! We found a chamber pot (nowhere as nice as yours) in the cellar of our old home in MN...guess no one wanted to brace a MN winter to use the outhouse in winter :)


  19. Great story! Love the yearbook photo and motto (and the last bit o the girl's motto-Men are better:)

  20. What a great story!! That's probably the MOST interesting souvenir I have ever seen. To be honest, I did not realize that it was a chamber pot until I kept reading the post. You should use this for Show and Tell Friday too. Thanks for the giggle!!

    Susan and Bentley

  21. I thought I had seen just about everything, but never I have seen someone want to keep a chamber pot. What an interesting post.

  22. What a funny story! I wonder how he ever smuggled that big piece out of the hotel... Hmmm....

  23. I had no idea that chamber pots were used so recently as 1931. I sure wouldn't want the job of the maids. Yuk!

    Happy Mother's Day!

  24. Oh, this is so funny! of all things to bring home from a hotel! It is a neat chamber pot though. Ewwww, you are so right about being a maid in a hotel back then! laurie
