
Friday, May 7, 2010


I'm joining in with Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie
for her Saturday Favorite Things party.
Be sure to check out her blog for always a fun read, plus a list of today's Favorite Things participants.
Since it is Mother's Day weekend, I thought I would show you four of my favorite pictures of my mother.  She was so intelligent, actually brilliant, that she started 1st grade on the day she turned 5 years old, skipped the 7th grade, and had graduated from junior college at age 17 before she married my Dad.   When I started to school, she started working for the federal government rising in the ranks until she was in charge of offices all over the state retiring at the age of 65 after a long, successful career.  She was always a mother, then a grandmother first, however.  She gave me a wonderful childhood, then supported me in everything I ever did.  Failing health took her too young, and she never did enjoy her retirement years.  
There is never a day I don't think about her - there is something every day I wish I could share with her. I so would like to introduce her to her great-grandchildren, for instance; as she enjoyed my kids so much.  
Here are my favorite pictures of her:

The first one was taken when she was in the May Day court in college (1937).
I was six-months old, and Mother was only 19.
Mother loved to shop, and we made regular trips to the city.  This was taken on the streets of Pueblo, Colorado.  She had just bought this 'Gone with the Wind' Scarlett doll for me, and she was trying to keep me from running into people.  I couldn't take my eyes off of Scarlett.
This is my favorite studio picture of her taken in the 1950s.

I was truly blessed with a wonderful mother.

May all of you have a great Mother's Day.


  1. Such a wonderful and precious post and memories of your Mother. She is a beautiful lady. I miss my mom too every single day. I hope you have a Blessed Mother's Day. Hugs, Marty

  2. Sally what precious memories and photos!! I love the one of you and your mom shopping - I can just see you talking and playing with Scarlett and running into people. I bet they just smiled when they saw who ran into them!!

    Happy Mother's day!

    bee blessed

  3. Nice tribute to your mom. Wow, sounds like she was on the fast track and ahead of her time.

    Great photos and memories.

    Happy Mother's Day.

  4. How wonderful that she had beauty AND brains. I love that photo of you with the doll that you are so smitten with! You and your mother looks so stylish in that picture. Thank you so much for linking this lovely tribute to your mother to Favorite Things. Have a Happy Mother's Day weekend. laurie

  5. How blessed you are to have such wonderful memories of your mother. I too lost my mother too soon and even though it's been almost 5 years, have to stop myself from picking up the phone to tell her something about my day.

  6. My very favorite thing in the world....Old pictures...You were such a cute chubby baby...Mom was so pretty and that picture on the street with the doll...priceless...
    And how old is Bob's mother?....she must be ancient!!
    Have a wonderful day tomorrow where ever you spend it...Sue

  7. Sounds like you had a wonderful mother and one that was very pretty and successful too.
    I'm so glad you visited my blog today, you're right, I love my little house! My hubby and I are very happy in it.
    Hugs, cindy s

  8. Hi Sally...

    Ohhh...what a sweet and endearing Mother's Day post, my friend! Your mother was a very beautiful lady...I think you look alot like her! I loved seeing your photos of her...especially love the photo of your shopping day together! I enjoyed looking at your mother's beautiful dress and very pretty! Ohhh..and I loved your beautiful coat as well! What a fine pair of ladies the two of you made!!! My, oh my...I can only imagine the excitement of getting a Scarlett doll! That really is the sweetest picture ever, Sally! I'm so sorry that you lost your dear mother so early! Thank you for sharing a little of her life with us...I didn't realize that she had worked for the state! She was a very intelligent and talented woman! Yes, I think you are just like your mother!!!

    Well dear friend, I'm so glad that you stopped in for a visit today! I am feeling much better but still moving pretty slow! Although I'm not much for hot weather...I'm not looking forward to the snow! Eeeks...snow in the middle of May??? What's that about? Hehe! They always say, if you don't like the weather in Colorado...just stick around it'll change! Soooo true! Hehe! I hope that my note finds you well, my friend! Take care...

    Love ya,

  9. Your mother was so beautiful, Sally. My favorite picture is the one of you with the doll. Aren't you glad you have that special memory captured forever in a photograph.
