
Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I was asked if I still had the 'Gone with the Wind' Scarlett O'Hara doll that was in the picture of my mother and I shopping (my mother's day post). The picture was taken in 1941 on the streets of Pueblo, Colorado.
Well, of course, I do -- I'm the queen of pack-rats and have kept everything!
Here she is today.

She was much loved, and played with constantly. She needs a new hairdo, has lost her shoes, and her petticoat; but she still has her original dress and straw hat. When I was a child I wanted to grow up to be beautiful like Scarlett; but, alas, I grew up to be plain Sally. In retrospect, maybe I am a little like my Scarlett doll -- after all of these years, I'm a little worse for wear, too. At least, I didn't lose my underwear!

I will be linking up to Suzanne at Colorado Lady
for Vintage Thingies Thursday
where there is always a lot of vintage goodness going on.


  1. My FAVORITE movie of all times! You lucky, love that doll! & the photo is priceless.

    Have a lovely week.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  2. Very cool! I have my Mom's Effanbee doll "Bubbles" from her Christmas 1930. She sits on my dresser!

  3. Hi Sally! Oh, how sweet. Now if you'd only moved this little doll over a tad we could have seen your sweet little face! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. So cool! I've always loved that movie and we have a Gone With the Wind museum in the next town. We went last year and it was so much fun, they had dresses from the movie and scripts etc.


  5. How cool to still have that doll! I had one as a little girl, mine was a 1965 model. We moved a lot and alas she is gone.

  6. hehehe.... you are so funny Sally, but you know that's not true.... the part about being plain Sally. As far as I'm concerned you are one of the most beautiful people I know. You are a dear friend and I just want to say THANK YOU.


  7. Well, I know Scarlett had 3 husbands, but did she have to lose her underwear to snag them?
    I think she looks to be in great shape considering she was played with so much. My dolls all ended up with hand lotion and baby powder caking their faces and hair!

  8. What an awesome treasure to still have! Good for you!!

  9. That's a cute picture of you--it looks like you were hiding from the photographer. I like the doll picture too.

  10. Lucky you to still have a childhood memory like this doll! And a picture to prove her age!

  11. O, Sally...I love that photo of you!!
    xo bj

  12. Love your sweet picture and your doll that you've saved through the years. And hehehehe, I'm proud you still have your underwear.:).
    Happy VTT, this was just the cutest post. I love your sense of humor..

  13. I love your doll. She is precious. And the picture of you and your Mom is great! Happy VTT!


  14. How wonderful to still have her, she looks in great condition!

  15. That is just about the cutest post ever. How lucky you are to still have that doll in such good condition as well. A real keeper there.

  16. That's really neat. I'm glad she was played with and not put away in a box. Nice post.

  17. What a sweet doll, and to think you still have her and she looks great! Have a great VTT!

  18. Oh I love this post! I can't believe that you still have her. Such a treasure.

  19. OH she is so sweet! I'm glad you still have your dolly!

  20. She's as pretty as ever, I think. What a neat picture of you and your mom!

  21. So glad you still have the doll. She must bring back sweet memories.

    I am a pack rat too. Sometimes it's a good thing.

  22. How wonderful to have the doll in the original clothing. She looks just beautiful. And the picture is priceless.

  23. what a FUN post..i so enjoyed reading it! i LOVE the photo and that darling little doll is so precious!
    btw i'm so pleased to hear you haven't lost your knickers :) x

  24. It's so great you kept this beautiful doll all this time!

    And I'm glad you didn't loose your underwear! Happy VTT!

  25. She's beautiful! Looks in great condition really for a well loved doll!

  26. Sally I have had so much fun catching up with you, this morning. I love the old photos and stories. Thanks so much!

  27. I still love the dolls I had from my childhood. What happy memories you have of your beloved doll. What a darling pic of you and your Mom too!!

    Susan and Bentley

  28. I guess it's never a big surprise that we vintage thingie gals still have stuff from our childhood! I think we treasure stuff like that just a little big more than other people, don't you? What a beautiful doll Scarlett is! I saw the movie many years ago, but I would love to read the book one day!
    Happy VTT!

  29. What a sweet, sweet doll! I love all-things Gone With The Wind! What a treasure!


  30. I am glad that you didn't loose your underwear. Why is it that that is the case with every doll I have.... no underwear. May be a question for the ages. Have a good day.

  31. What a pretty little doll. So cool that you still have her. :) thanks for sharing it.


  32. Hello!
    I'm a Sally too and I grew up being called Salmagundi and Sally Annie Magundy - which is the name of my blog!. :)
    What a wonderful treasure! I can recall going to see "Gone With The Wind" in the sixties - my mother told me they only released it every ten years and so we went to see it.
    Happy VTT!
    Sally :)

  33. Ah! So lucky you are to have kept this treasure. I have had to replace my childhood dolly favorites via eBay. Never to let go of them again... Your sweet girl is lovely. Underwear or none!

  34. That is really special :) My mom is a Scarlett fan too! Thanks for sharing your special treasure with us today!


  35. A great post. Let me just say "me too" after all the previous comments.

  36. She is so sweet. I'm so glad you kept her. I have a friend who has framed photos of she and her daughter holding the same doll. laurie

  37. How precious that you still have the doll and a picture to commemorate it. Beautiful!

  38. Hi Sally....I think it is so cool that you still have this doll...and you my friend are anything but plain Sally...
    I love how you keep the past alive...Have a great weekend!! Sue

  39. Hi Sally...

    Ohhh my goodness...I'm so happy to hear that you still have your underwear, my friend! What a hoot, I about spit my iced tea out all over the monitor when I read that!!! Too funny!!!

    I was wondering if you still had your Scarlet doll! That's awesome...I'm so glad that you took a photo of her...for us to see! I think she's still beautiful and I also think that you are too, my dear friend!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend! Hoping that our winter's weather is finally behind us! Of course, it's still chilly here today and looks like it could rain! I'm sure that several people are scurrying's graduation weekend and lots of parties planned! Isn't that just the way it goes!

    Love ya,
