
Friday, July 9, 2010


The theme on Donna's Funky Junk Interiors Saturday Night Special this week is drawers. I couldn't miss this opportunity to show a couple of my funky drawers. I can't pass up any drawer that in it's past life was handmade or used in a shop or store.

This one has tin sides and a wooden front. I think it must have been used in a store to sell hardware of some kind. Now it stores towels in our guest bathroom.

I love this little unit for its quirky knobs made out of thread spools. Inside of the drawers are little compartments.

Here are a couple more little drawers that, at one time, held bolts and hardware. Their sole purpose now is to just sit there and make me smile!

Be sure to stop by Donna's for more fun drawer inspiration.


  1. Good Morning Sweetie...
    Oh my gosh, I love your little drawers. What a beautiful share. I love the way your displayed washcloths in the first one. They look so country to me. Love it.

    Now that second one, I love the little spool knobs, how original. Everything is recyclable. What do you keep in it? I think it would be great for assorted craft items or sewing things. The wood is just beautiful.

    I like it that the last two just sit there and make you smile. Made me smile too, just looking. I love the large ring on the one.

    Thank you for sharing today. I have so enjoyed myself. Have a beautiful Friday.

    Country hugs...Sherry

  2. I love these, Sally. You have the neatest things!

    Happy weekend!

  3. Droolworthy drawers my friend! I just love the graphics on that first one. Very funky indeed!

    How fun! They're so different I wouldn't even have pegged them for drawers. Very cool. :)


  4. Sally.....I have said it before and I will say it again...You just have the best stuff....I haven't seen you over at my blog in ages...I have posted so much stuff since coming home from vacation and you're usually the first to everything okay??
    I need my Sally fix!!

  5. Yes...Sue was feeling unloved...
    Glad your all fine and just enjoying those grandkids of yours...I was just worried that something was wrong...
    We go back to Jersey on the 21st. through the Boss' birthday on August 2nd...Oh and Miss "B" now calls me was so cute the first time she called me that as she came up with it all on her own....don't you just love grandkids!

  6. Love these! They are great with such personality.

    Partying with you tonight at Donna's.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Love the funky drawers. They have so many uses. If I see them at a flea market, I buy them.

    I have a drawer from an old sewing machine table for my CDs. And an old library catalog drawer that holds tea bags.

    They add character to a home.
