
Monday, July 5, 2010


In the last few months I have run across several blogs showcasing silhouettes, which got me to thinking that I had some silhouettes SOMEWHERE. It took a couple of months but we finally found them in a box in the garage! They were no longer in frames, and hadn't seen the light of day for years.

We dug through our stash of thrifted frames, cut some down to fit, and gave them one of our favorite finishes (Sherwin Williams Antique Red paint with an ebony stain over it). I knew I wanted oval mats, but didn't want to pay the price for custom, so I checked Hobby Lobby & Michaels for ready-cut; but they never seemed to have three black ones alike. Finally, I just bought three of whatever color and spray painted them black.

This silhouette is of me when I was 15 (in 1954). It was cut at Riverview Amusement Park in Chicago.

The one below is of our son, Mike when he was 3 years old (1971). I love the scherenschnitte cutting that frames this silhouette.

Mike was 6 years old when this one was done by a different artist from above.

And, lastly, this one is of our daughter, Jenni, when she was 2 years old in 1974.

I'm sure enjoying my silhouettes again. Now, I just wish I had some of my grandchildren.

I'm joining Marty at A Stroll Thru Life
for Tabletop Tuesday. Be sure to stop by her blog for so much inspiration.


  1. LOVE the silhouettes! I find this to be an extremely personal art form, and wish I had some of my boys growing up-enjoy!

  2. Love these sally and all the fun memories they came back to you girl...Hope all is well in your world today my Dear friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  3. I remember when silhouettes were all the rage.. I'm so glad to see them making a come back.. your's is adorable


  4. Love your silhouettes, I have a couple of my daugher and now, you have inspired me to find them and frame them. You did a great job, thanks for sharing.

  5. Hi Sally! Oh, these silhouettes are just the sweetest things! I wish I had some of my children! I love those pretty tole trays in the background!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  6. Oh how wonderful. I love our silhouettes. You did such a fabulous job of framing them. I love the red frames and the oval mats are just perfect. What a treasure to have them all. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  7. Morning girl....these are so pretty and so vintage looking...pure treasures!! Hope all is well on your side of the mountain sweetie and that you are having a great week! ~Picket~

  8. Oh Sally, I can't believe you haven't been enjoying these. They are wonderful! Aren't you clever to spray paint the mats? They turned out great. laurie

  9. Hi Sally...I love silhouettes...I have ones of my parents from the
    30's done on the boardwalk in
    Atlantic City....the artist actually incorporated his name into a pair of scissors...they are very cool...

  10. I have one of me in Disneyland as a child and then 30 years later we had them done of our three kids by the same guy. He has since retired but the lady who does it now is WONDERFUL. We just got our granddaughters done this last weekend in Disneyland. She put one of them with Minnie Mouse and one with Daisy Duck. She doesn't use a light she just looks at you and cuts them out. BEAUTIFUL!
