
Sunday, June 12, 2011


I'm home from my trip to Europe, jet-lagged and overwhelmed! The family went to a semi-pro baseball game today, so I'm home alone with my washing machine. I'm sitting here at the computer eating nachos, a diet Coke (WITH ICE!!!!), and a macaron from Paris's Laduree. Pathetic, I know.

No pictures today - it will take me awhile to sort out the over 1000 that I took. Hope the GPS on my camera worked to tell me where each castle and cathedral was located, as they were all starting to look alike.

Stay tuned for more details to come in a day or two. In the meantime, I'm dedicated to my laundry and sitting in my recliner. One day in Germany I walked 8 miles, as shown on the pedometer. That's a lot of walking for an old lady!!



  1. Glad to hear you're back safe and sound. ICE is wonderful! GPS on a camera? Does that mean you have a new one? ♥♫

  2. I have been thinking about you!!! praying your trip would be, rest up, get caught up and catch your breath...then we want to see pictures!! *grin*
    Missed you!!!

  3. Glad to hear you are home again!I know you have so much to tell us about your trip and am looking forward to hearing and seeing your adventures!!

    bee blessed

  4. What an amazing trip Sally!

    J was stationed in Germany during the 1960's. He still talks about his time there. He enjoyed that unforgettable assignment!

  5. First, I love the Lego giraffe! Second, I so enjoyed the photos of those beautiful buildings. Sally, this sounds like so much fun. I'm so glad you got to go on the trip, and I look forward to seeing more pix. laurie
