
Saturday, June 16, 2012


We took a couple of fun days off from just hanging around the house, and went to the big city -- Denver!  
The first day we met our son and went to the new History Colorado Center.  It has only been open a short time in its new facility, a block south of the old Colorado History Museum on Broadway.  It was enjoyable, but a little slick and high tech for our tastes.  We missed the old museum that was packed so full of artifacts that you could actually FEEL the history.  We will go back, however, when more of the new exhibits are open.  One of the temporary exhibits was Colorado - past, present and future; - all done in Legos.  Fun, fun - my favorite was the row of the tiny, blue porta-potties done in Legos, but all of the Colorado landmarks executed by the Lego artists were great!
We then hit our favorite antique mall on South Broadway, had Colorado Hacienda Mexican food, and checked into our hotel to find we had been upgraded to a suite at no extra cost - a nice surprise.  It doesn't take much to please us hicks!
  On our second day, we went to the Old Glory Antique Fair in Clement Park.  Clement Park is right next to the infamous Columbine High School - always a sobering moment when you remember what took place there.
But on this day, it was all about junking and antiquing.
After 50 years of antiquing, we don't buy much anymore (sorry, dealers); but we love checking everything out for trends and seeing what people are buying.
 We saw several industrial carts -- all in the $500-600 range, which makes our $20 cart from a yard sale a REAL bargain.  Read about that score here.
 This was a great seed box, and I've always wanted one; but way out of our price range.
 Lots of industrial and farmstead goods.
 We laughed about this chicken coop - another winter on the farm and it would have been a pile of splinters.  And, in our opinion, was pretty pricey at $65 for that kind of patina!

 After a morning of sun, we headed south and stopped at our favorite antique mall in Colorado Springs; then home.  In my childhood, we would go to Denver from the farm 3-4 times a year to shop, eat, and observe.  It's still a thrill for me!

So, what did I buy?
 I keep saying I'm going to quit buying brown transferware, but I can't seem to pass up a nice specimen like this tureen for $12.  It has a hairline crack in the lid, but still pretty on the shelf at that price.
In my continuing search for items with the number 15, I found a cue ball, a bingo card, and a cash register indicator.  Part of my discipline is that I will not spend more than $10 and preferably under $5 for these things.  Don't ask what I'm going to do with them -- I'm getting quite an assortment, but the fun is in the search.

Please check out the following blogs that I'm linking to this week, and thank them for their efforts.
Southern Hospitality for Monday Thrifty Treasures
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia for Tuesday Treasures
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday
From My Front Porch to Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday
Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday
White Ironstone Cottage for Treasure Chest Friday


  1. Time in Denver is always fun, but as I'm a country girl, I'm always glad to be back home! I just don't understand how Sarah got to be a "city" girl! She and Alex are coming to Wiggins tomorrow to celebrate with grandpa, grandma, and the rest of the family.

    You did find a lovely piece! And isn't nice to have a real bargain at home? Glad you had a great time.♥♫

  2. I enjoyed reading about the things you saw at your antique fair. We too have noticed that things are getting very industrial. We are like you-we don't buy much anymore, but really enjoy walking around and looking.

  3. Hi Sally! Oh, what fun you must have had and I loved seeing all of your snaps. I remember many years ago in the late 70s we were in Denver and had a steak and lobster dinner and it cost $36! That was the most we had ever paid for a meal at that time. We thought we were really 'up town folks'! :) That has stayed etched in my tiny mind!
    Happy Father's Day to Mr. Gundi! ;)

  4. Sounds like a fantabulous trip to the big city, Sally. Plus you found another gorgeous piece of transfer ware to add to your collection.

  5. Hi Sally ....first off did you get a new e-mail address?...I got and e-mail saying you did but it went into spam and then a few days before that I got a wacky e-mail from you with a link and ofcourse it was some sort of let me know what your e-mail address took me hours to get the computer clean after downloading....I hate when people do pointless.....So you did good at the antique the tureen and such a bargain....hope your having a fun here in the ATL is beautiful....just got out of the pool to start bbq'ing.....Did you see where Miss B got into the school 2 blocks from their apartment...we are thrilled and ofcourse last week she was 20th on the wait list then grandma called an Wa-La.....she's in....

  6. What a great tradition Sally.
    Would love to go on an antiquing trip out west. Thanks for showing us your finds. $12 for transferware sounds like a good deal to me,
    even with a hairline crack.

    Sounds like a fun trip!

  7. Great buy on the tureen. I love the thrill of the hunt. Nice finds.

  8. That tureen is a great bargain at $12.00! Enjoy. Thanks for sharing!

  9. That sounds like a really fun day, and I love the brown transferware.

  10. Love your antiquing finds regardless of whether you bought them or not. I have to agree about the pricing - it's getting expensive.

  11. great finds. I try to only spend 5-$10 on each item too, unless it is furniture

  12. What a fun adventure. I love all of the #15 items. Tell me, what is the significance of that number? I visit Old Glor Antiques on fb. I have wanted a seed box for quite some time. They had a few, but I decided to pass at $150 each. My sister found an awesome one at a yard sale for $5. What a find! I went to an antique mall in Colorado Springs a couple years ago. Wonder if it was the same one. My 4 sisters and I were there visiting our cousins.
