
Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Now that Fall is in the air and the nights here in Colorado are cool, our flower gardens are flourishing.  The geraniums and the Profusion Zinnias are blooming like crazy!  Even the grass seed pods are turning brown -- can Fall be far behind?
In reading a recent post by Susan of Must Love Junk, I was reminded how much I love all of the vintage drawers I've accumulated over the years.  You must go by her blog (here) to check out her collection of drawer units.  They are fabulous.

As I picked a small bouquet from the yard, I decided that a vintage drawer was in order for the table arrangement.
 As Fall nears, the plaid table runner and the blue canning jars seemed appropriate.
I love using drawers instead of a tray -- they just seem to have more character. 
I plan to do another post or two in the future showing more of my collection of drawers.  Stay tuned!

This week I'm joining the following parties.  Please stop by these great blogs for a plethora of inspiration.
A Southern Day Dreamer for Outdoor Wednesday
Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays
Jann Olson for Share Your Cup Thursday
The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday
Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday
Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Nite Special
Little Red House for Mosaic Monday
A Stroll Thru Life for Table Top Tuesday


  1. Just taking a break for a few minutes and saw you sweet arrangement post. It is adorable and good for you to take the time to cut some flowers for yourself! About the only time I cut flowers anymore is if we are having someone stay over and I make a bouquet for their bedside.

    Miss seeing you! Gosh it has been a busy summer and September looks just as busy. We will be helping host a fellowship retreat for other missionaries in our organization and using our home and a small hotel we have here to house them. Then the day that ends our son from Calif and maybe his girlfriend will be arriving.

    Does Bob do any refinishing for others? I have a friend who has a dining table (oak) that needs the veneer fixed or replaced. Would he be interested in doing something like this?

    bee blessed

  2. Beautiful flowers. I've survived the first week and these two days, but, oh my!! I am one tired teacher. The best thing, though, the YOUNG ones feel the same way as this old one! I'm ready for the cooler days, but not a frost.♥♫

  3. O, Sally, with all my different collections, I don't have a single drawer. I MUST look around and find one of these cuties. :))
    xoxo bj

  4. Lovely vignette!
    Greetings from Australia♥

  5. How delightfully creative ~ Wow! ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  6. I also posted about the pending change in seasons! Great post!

    If you get a chance, stop by my blog to say hello, or "Like" Hood Photography on Facebook! Thanks!

  7. The vintage drawer adds and interesting twist to your the plaid runner.

  8. Never thought of using a drawer that way - thanks for the post.

    Popped in from Jann's SYCT.

  9. Well, that is the cutest thing! Thank you for sharing. Visiting from Common Ground. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  10. Visiting from Common Ground.
    I so love these old little wooden drawers.
    Thanks for sharing.

  11. Sally, a wonderful Fall vignette in your cute drawer. I love the touch that the drawer gives. I have been wanting to pick up a couple. If I do, I'll show you my drawers if you show me yours. lol! Going to visit Susan. She has wonderful collections.
    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  12. How perfect! I love drawers to hold everything together. They make vignettes easier to move too. :)

  13. Very creative and pretty. I love the beautiful flowers. Have a wonderful week!

  14. What a unique and unusual collection! I love the idea of collecting drawers with character and the artistic way you use and display them.

  15. What a great table arrangement. Drawers are wonderful for tidying, though I have never thought to use them as trays...until now!

  16. I love the drawer for your arrangement. I looked at one at the thrift store this week but it was in too bad of a shape. Enjoy your week!

  17. That's a very smart idea. I think a gift 'drawer' would be fun to put together instead of a gift basket.

  18. How cool to think of a drawer for a tray. I would never have thought of that and it seems just perfect. Valerie

  19. Very pretty! I'm going to have to keep an eye out for some drawers looking for a new home.

  20. Very cute idea to use the drawer instead of a tray! I love putting bouquets in jars and bottles. It seems so homey that way!

  21. That drawer is perfect! Love it! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  22. Oops, you forgot to add Blue Monday's link. Please add:

    I love your creative nature. I would never think of using a drawer, but it's perfect.
