
Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Continuing on with my collection of drawers---everyone collects drawers, don't they?  You can see my original drawer post here.

I don't know where this drawer came from originally -- probably a hardware store.  It has tin sides with great graphics on the front.  It is currently home to another collection of mine -- hand towels with 'huck weaving'.
This metal two-drawer unit is from my childhood.  My grandparents owned a sewing machine sales and repair shop in Kansas.  Originally, there was a stack of about five of these units that housed sewing machine parts.  I don't have a clue what happened to the rest of the stack.
Or, why I ended up with one of the units.  I just know I was always fascinated with them, so I probably whined enough that they gave me one unit to shut me up.
This is a tiny chest of drawers also from my childhood.  The woman that cut my hair as a child was Japanese and displaced to Colorado during World War II.  She knew I loved little things, so she gave this to me one Christmas.
 I've always kept tiny treasures in it.
 It is currently displaying thimbles from my grandmothers and great-grandmothers.
More drawers to come in a future post.

For now, I'm sharing these at the following blog parties:
From my Front Porch to Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday
French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
2805 for Potpourri Friday
Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Nite Special
A Stroll Thru Life for Table Top Tuesday


  1. Isn't there a saying-"the squeaky wheel gets the grease?" or something similar. The miniature drawers would hold some interesting treasures from a child! I like the collection of thimbles.♥♫

  2. Pretty collection! Me, too, I love finding a bargain on an old drawer; be it metal or wood. Don't they have such charm and potential for our collections and decor? Can't wait to see that next post!

  3. Of course everyone collects drawers. You can use them in a hundred different ways. Yours are really interesting.

  4. Sally, I only have two drawers,so I'm thrilled to see part of your collection. The case from Japan is truly unique and pretty. The imagination is the only limiting factor when it comes to decorating or using them practically, so I may start looking for some boxes and drawers on my next excursion! :-) Sue

  5. Cool post...I have a drawer from an antique writing desk I use for my husbands CDs. Another is a vintage sewing drawer I use beside my sewing machine for scissors and misc. Love your drawers...pam

  6. Visiting from Potpourri Friday. You've reminded me that I have 2 sewing machine drawers and a huck weaving apron that I need to post. Your collections are great...thanks for the "nudge."

  7. Oh, I love all your drawers! I didn't know you did this post...I posted about my huge drawer collection last week! Great minds...:)

  8. LOVE old drawers...never too many at my house :) Laurel

  9. Hi Sally! I almost missed this post! I love your sweet drawers (that doesn't sound right, does it?). Any way, I do like how you've used them. I need some now! ;) Those are some very pretty linens too.
    thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweeties,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Your drawers are pretty cool. I especially like the ones from the sewing machine store. They are indeed a great way to display and store your treasures.

  11. I love the little drawers!
    I have little boxes. I'm drawn to boxes...I think they are so interesting.

    you have a neat and sentimental collection. My first time to visit,

  12. I love the pretty drawers, yours are great! Lovely collection! I have mine with faux jewelry and I love it too. My fav is the Japanese one...gorgeous too!! Happy TTT.

  13. Thank you for sharing your collection at Potpourri Friday!
