
Tuesday, April 30, 2013


  I've been on a mission to update the linens in the guest room this Spring.  Previous posts about the pillow cases and the curtains may be viewed here and here.

Remember this Waverly fabric from the 1990s - it was everywhere (and is still available at my local JoAnn's!).  I bought yards of it in 1997, and made the master bedroom drapes out of it.  I soon tired of those, so I repurposed them into the guest room dust ruffle.  Now, ten years later, it is past time for a change.
 This time I went neutral, so in the future I can change out the other bed linens easier.  I love to sew; but, for some reason, I don't like to make dust ruffles!!  I now have neutral bed skirts everywhere, so hopefully I don't have to make any more.
I just finished this big, blue denim pillow with the red piping and flange edge. 
Now, on to the mini-tour --
This room is pretty large but full of family furniture and several collections we have amassed over the years.
The barrister bookcase in the corner is full of everything from Easter, Valentine, and patriotic items to antique sewing things to macaron boxes from Laduree in Paris.
The walls contain part of our collection of early 1900's sheep prints (so hard to photograph because of the glare - sorry!).
Guests always comment about how fun it is to stay in this room with so much to check out.  Secretly, they are probably thinking, "How can they live with all of that stuff."
I've always said that I don't decorate, I accumulate!

I'm joining the following:
Vintage on a Dime for Welcome Home Wednesday
Ivy and Elephants for What's it Wednesday
The Shabby Creek Cottage for Transformation Thursday
From My Front Porch to Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday
Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday
The Dedicated House for Anything Blue Friday
A Stroll Thru Life for Inspire Me Tuesday
Knick of Time for Knick of Time Tuesday


  1. I'm right there with you in the accumulations department! I love all the treasures I see. I've decided that one item on my retirement list is to empty my bedroom and get rid of the king size bed and replace it with a full size bed. Then really clean and purge in the closet and drawers! Of course, there will be the lower kitchen cabinets to prime and paint and the yard and flower beds. I'm not looking forward to the basement, however! I am getting so restless and can hardly wait!

    Sewing a bed ruffle seems like a lot of work to me, too. It must be the gathering and the SIZE that removes the fun of sewing. Your guest room looks great!♥♫

  2. I have always believed that one layer is never enough if you can have five layers! I love all the collections especially the sheep! I will come and stay any time. (I secretly still love that floral Waverly!)

  3. The room is lovely and I would enjoy staying there with all your collections! I love seeing what other people collect!

  4. Accumulating is all part of the fun of decorating, Sally! If not displayed, what's the use of having things? And like Donna, I still kinda like that floral fabric. :-)

  5. Hello dear friend! It's been ages- we had to out of state trips to go to for funerals this month and just returned from the trip to AZ for Bill's uncles' funeral.

    Well you know how to accumulate wonderful things and I love that room especially all those wonderful sheep pictures you have collected!

    Worked a long day at the Antique store- we got 2 new vendors and the store is a mess with trying to gett 2 spaces of stuff stuffed into the already bulging spaces of Mariannes so the new vendors can get in. Didn't nearly make a dent but got a huge shelf unit moved and displayed behind the counter area which has long needed some attention!

    Oh what a beautiful day it was today- just wish I could have been outside in the gardens!

    bee blessed

  6. Oh, I love it! Trust me you have it well under control. I'd be delighted to stay in such a room. Great job!

  7. Oh, I'll bet your guests really think, "Hm, I wonder if I could stick this inside my suitcase?" LOL

  8. Oh what a great room, love it and so nice your guest have so much to enjoy. I love seeing others treasures and collections. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  9. Mind if I stay the night I'm hosting a new linky party at

    I would love to have you!

  10. That Waverly floral has been (still is!) my favorite. Feel free to pass any my way :) I love seeing all your cozy, handmade touches!

    Jeanette @ Creating a Life

  11. I would love o stay in such a pretty, interesting room! Your collections are just so much fun to see! I love what you have done yet I still like the Waverly fabric! I am always out of step anyhoo! Love those sheep!
    Love, Sue
