By this time on Thursday, Thanksgiving 2008 will just about be over. The dishes will be done, the leftovers put away, the turkey carcass boiling for broth, and everyone gone home full and contented. Another Thanksgiving in the books!! Bob and I have spent 53 Thanksgivings together.
The very first Thanksgiving together was one I will never forget. We were in high school, had been dating for awhile, and were "going steady". Bob asked if I would like to go to his Aunt Nelllie's farm about 50 miles away for Thanksgiving dinner. I remember thinking this might be serious business as he wants to introduce me to his extended family!
What an experience it was! I came from a small family, very serious; not at all into loud, fun occasions. Thanksgiving (or any holiday) dinner in my family was almost always at my paternal grandparents, where my Grandfather reigned. He carved the bird at the table, serving each plate with great pomp and circumstance at a formally set table.
Well, we arrived at Aunt Nellie's; and there were so many people of all ages - probably about 50 people. The kitchen was a beehive of activity, women laughing and cooking. The kitchen table was covered with dishes of food. When we ate, you filled a plate and sat wherever you could find a place to light. Men were outside sitting on wash benches, logs, and the cistern cover; and didn't seem to notice that it was a cold, Colorado November day. Kids and women were eating all over the house. I was shocked - they were even sitting on Aunt Nellie's bed. I wasn't even allowed to sit on my own bed; let alone, someone else's!
Everyone had a grand time! Over the years, I gradually became used to all of this. We have spent the majority of those 53 Thanksgivings with his family. The generations have changed over the years. Now, Bob, his sisters, and his mother have gotten older. Our kids and their cousins are spread from coast to coast. It isn't easy to get together any more. I know that Bob misses it.
We have now gravitated more to my family's type of Thanksgiving, small and quiet, only without the pomp and circumstance. This year it will just be our immediate family - seven of us. The one constant over the years has always been the fact that we are grateful to God for everything He has blessed us with.