I'm joining in on the Sunday Favorites party today hosted by Chari of
Happy to Design.
This is a chance to repeat a favorite post from the past. I've chosen a post originally published on Oct. 14, 2008, about a person who had a lot of influence on my love of home.
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Her name is Edith. She was the mother of one of our childhood friends and happened to be the daughter of the doctor that delivered me.
She was the first person in my life other than my mother that I realized had personal STYLE.
I can think of any number of beautiful homes where they lived in our small town, as she loved to move and she loved to decorate.
She had wonderful things like art, dishes, and antique furniture in her house; but it was a home foremost for a family where you always felt comfortable.
She was gracious in every way!
Her only child, our friend, was killed in an automobile accident when we were in our early 30s. He was not married and had no children. Edith was naturally devastated; I don't think she ever fully recovered.
Soon after he died, she called to say she had a couple of things that she wanted me to have, then pass on to my children someday.
She gave me this beautiful Victorian fruit dish that had belonged to her father, the doctor.
Edith is almost 100 years old now, quite fragile, and in a nursing home. Remaining with me are three beautiful items that have passed through many hands. I know that in the end, things are just things; however, the memories they raise and the emotions they evoke are PRICELESS.
Thanks for stopping by,
What wonderful treasures to have. The memories alone are priceless. I hope this finds you and your family doing well. The heat promises to move out of here on Sunday... have a super w/k...
hugs ~lynne~
What a great post Sally...I love knowing the history on pieces like these and them being passed on to others to enjoy...Hope you have a great weekend my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Good Weekend Miss Sally....what a wonderful story about your friend..and even more wonderful that she has reached 100! You are very lucky to have these keepsakes of her family.....as for the MJ nonsense...I actually heard someone on Fox news yesterday say he was a God.....Oh Pleeeeeeeeeese.
Best as we can determine he was a very troubled (which is a shame) pervert. Sorry...but you got me started...I hope he's finally at peace with himself.
I do hope that Edith is close enough so that you can visit her. What a special lady.
How touching, Sally! I am sure that it warms her heart to know how special these things are to you! And I do not think of them as things...they are reminders of wonderful memories! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend...Debbie
How wonderful that you have treasured these special gifts from your mother's friend. These gifts are truly gifts from the heart. Thank you for sharing these special momentos with us.
Lovely reminders of a lovely lady.
What a sweet post! I have things that belonged to family members who are gone; they remind me of their former owners and that makes them really special to me.
When someone gives you a gift so special from their own home it is no longer just a thing but something that carries the memories of it's life in their home. The Christmas mornings they shared. The conversations the family had with that fruit bowl on the table. How many times one of them grabbed an apple out of that dish.
Special gifts along with her style.
Sally... what a sweet post about a special lady... and you are right... it's not the things but the memories that they evoke in us that make the "things" special.
have a wonderful Sunday and all week...
What a sweet story about your friend! 100 years old - wow! It's lovely that you have these special reminders of her!
Those lovely gifts are more special than gold.
I always use the standard, "Would I stop to get them in a fire?"
What a wonderful post. I'm sure this lovely lady knows what an impact she had on your life. Both of those gifts are so beautiful, but when you add the memories to them, they are spectacular. laurie
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