Tomorrow, I start my 6th week working on this gigantic estate sale with my friend and her husband, who is the administrator of this estate with no heirs. Since there is no family and before the estate can be disbursed to the designated charities, the state mandates that every thing be sold at the optimum price. Yesterday, there were seven of us working at organizing and pricing the things that had found their way to the garage and the family room. The whole process has been tedious work, as every piece of paper, etc. must be gone through. For instance, we have discovered valuable jewelry among tools and junk in the outside shed.

We have found such diverse items as an invitation to a White House garden party given by Mrs. Roosevelt to souvenirs from 32 countries to 7 irons (all in working order!)

For sale are ethnic clothing items from her travels and lots of vintage clothing with pictures of her wearing the dresses, etc. including her 1942 satin, beaded wedding dress.

There is a whole room of lovely linens with about 30 sets of embroidered and lace pillow cases. We found some nice quilts in the shed outside, plus there are antique baby clothes.

And, of course, there are dishes and silver. A few pieces have found their way to my house. More on that in a later post!

It has been a real learning experience for all of us working on this project. We come home at night thinking about our own stuff; and what a burden it can be when disbursement of belongings is left for family or, in this case, friends.
I had an aunt, who in her later years, was always working on getting things in "dying order". She was a wise and considerate woman!
I had an aunt, who in her later years, was always working on getting things in "dying order". She was a wise and considerate woman!
Oh my, a ton of work, but what a treasure trove of gorgeous things. Hugs, Marty
My Gosh....I would be in hog heaven. I'm tempted to buy a plane ticket to Colorado for the sale...and ofcourse to see you too Sally!!.....ofcourse the Boss won't let me leave the state without him....I'm lucky I can go food shopping alone....Men.
Wow! That sure looks like a lot of work, Sally. I bet it's fun to discover what all they have though. I can't wait to see what you took home with you..Christine
That is just amazing! Wish I was close by for the big sale!
Have a wonderful day! Be sure to visit my blog for a great giveaway!
***Visit my blog for a GIVEAWAY and new linking party!***
Mornin' Sally...
I just read your sweet note and wanted to come over to say hello and see what you've been up to! Ohhh my goodness, HAVE been a busy little bee! I can't even begin to imagine all the work that has been involved with preparing this lady's estate for sale, although, I can see that she has many, many great treasures that would be an absolute delight to see!!! I was checking back with a few of your past posts...just catching up...and it looks like you are finding some great treasures to bring home! That little Bavarian pitcher is well the's gorgeous! Well sweet friend, don't work too hard! When will the actual estate sale be?
Ohhh has been very hot up in our little corner of Colorado as well! I pretty much just stay in close to the A/C! Hehe! We did go up to Ft.Collins on Saturday was soo hot! I spent alot of time in Hobby Lobby and the Antique Flea market...where is was cool! I'm sooo looking forward to autumn and the cooler weather, although I'm not ready for the snow yet! I'm hoping to have some time to just open the windows and doors and enjoy the fresh, cooler air!
Was so good to hear from you, Sally! I'm sorry that it's been so long since I've been by...we have had a crazy busy summer with company! I hope that my note finds you and your honey both doing well!
Love ya, my friend!
wow...that's a lot of stuff..
I have been working for the last year on getting my things in dying order, too. My biggest fear is that I'll die and leave all this STUFF around for my son and daughter to get rid of. We've cleaned the attic of things we don't need...I have the back end of my SUV loaded with things to take to Goodwill...Yep..I'm working on it but still have a ways to go...*sigh
Now THIS is a sale I would love to attend!!! I would have a ball looking AND buying! I can't imagine the work you've put into this sale. Hope you get some nice finds from it.
~ Sue
Hi Sally! My goodness, you've been working on this sale some time! I'm sure it has it's wonderful moments when you're discovering all the great things! Can't wait to see what you took home!
Hope you're doing well.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Sally, there is NO WAY I can get things in "dying order". I know it will not be a burden to my children. They'll just put it in a dumpster and haul it off. If I tried to do it, I probably wouldn't fill the bottom of a dumpster. Oh this looks like THE estate sale of the century! I'd love to be able to attend the sale, so I could buy some more stuff for my children to put in the dumpster. Can't wait to see what came home with you! laurie
Can I like fly through the computer. Oh, to get my hands on the linen and baby are killing me here...hope it goes well.
Laurie's comment is so funny! This does look like an amazing sale and I would love to come if I can see about making a bit of time. It has been crazy here the past few days and weeks really! I can't wait to see the treasures you have brought home from this!!
bee blessed
I am just overwhelmed by all these amazing things! What treasures! Like Sue, I wish I could have jumped on a plane and been a part of it all!
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