I'm taking a three-week blogging break. First up on our agenda is our 55th high school class reunion in our hometown. The picture below of us was on the front page of the local newspaper the day we graduated - June 1, 1956. I guess we were chosen to be photographed because Bob was the Senior Class President.
Doesn't Bob just look like he is poised and ready to tackle whatever the future might hold? At the time, I wasn't sure I would be part of that future; but things clicked and I've been a part of it all along the way through his three college degrees, his career, our children and our grandchildren.

Then, we have a road trip scheduled to celebrate our 53rd wedding anniversary this month. We're headed to Marburger/Round Top, Texas for the antique extravaganza. We hope to come home the very long way through Kansas City to visit friends.
September 7, 1958
I've been working on a couple of large projects for the class reunion, so my house has suffered terribly. I need to find time during this next three weeks to do some deep cleaning and prepare for the autumnal holidays and our family's birthday season. Also, I keep thinking we need to make a day trip to Denver to visit the new IKEA store. That's a lot going on for us old folks!

I've been working on a couple of large projects for the class reunion, so my house has suffered terribly. I need to find time during this next three weeks to do some deep cleaning and prepare for the autumnal holidays and our family's birthday season. Also, I keep thinking we need to make a day trip to Denver to visit the new IKEA store. That's a lot going on for us old folks!
We thank God for all of the blessings that have been bestowed on us over the years. And, we celebrate with Him each new day that we receive.
As we used to say in the 1950s, "See you later, alligator. After awhile, crocodile!"