I'm afraid my screened-in porch is not so beautiful this year yet. After a moderate and dry (dusty) winter in Colorado, we have had a cool and wet April. I'm not complaining, but there hasn't been a warm and dry enough day yet to carry everything outside to hose it down. So, here it is in all of it's winter, dreary dress - no cushions, no flowers, no glass of lemonade.
Looks like a place with a lot of potential. Hope the weather warms up for you soon!
It's a lovely space & I love bright happy colors. ☺ Diane
I love this Sally! It's beautiful! I'm going to come back after while and bring J. He is really going to like your porch!
Evening, Sally! Oh, I love your porch and I'm sure you're going to have some nice days to spiff it us! Just get out that ole garden hose and go to town!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Sally its such a lovely space and just brimming with potential. Did you know we lived in Colorado for 3 years before coming back "home" to NC? I miss CO very much. I absolutely heart that tractor seat! I gotta get me one of those. As a farm girl, it should be a staple in my home. LOL I can't wait to see your porch when you get it all together!
It's a bit early for my porch and patio this spring, too. We are about 3 weeks behind the rest of the country. I love all of your family "farm & ranchy" touches. It really makes it homey. My pansies won't make it through the summer either - they kind of peter out about mid-July or August. However, the Violas seem to hang in there...Robyn
In Colorado you have dust. In Alabama we have pollen. So far I've cleaned the pollen off my porch twice. It's getting another cleaning tomorrow. Hopefully it will be the last.
I love that western look since I'm from the southeast and don't get to see that too often. LOL at the "Clean me"! HA!
Be sure to post again when you get it all spruced up for this season.
Love to see it, Marsha
OOO, Sally...this is a GREAT porch. I would LOVE to have a screened or glassed in porch...
Too early for porch sitting here too! I had to use last year's pics..
But yours will be lovely soon..enjoy your great outdoor area...I have to wait for that green pollen to fall before I can clean mine!
I love your farm relics. My kind of decorating!
Very pretty table and chairs.
I love the pops of Red. :)
Oh Sally I am just drooling over all your wonderful old farm things here girl..what is that on your table that has a candle in it..Just love it all my friend..I could do my porch either as too much rain again and I don't have pics from last year...that was BB (Before Blogging) Now I carry a camera to the bathroom with me girl ha ha!! Thank you dear friend for coming by the other day and your kind words...Bad day for me..wished I could turn off my memories some times...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Sally, I can imagine how beautiful this space will be when it gets warmer. It sure has a lot of potential...Christine
Sally I love the farm implement used as a candle holder! I had a friend who bought one like that when we were at an AMF conference in South Dakota- She was trying to figure out how to get it back on the plane with her without them thinking it was some kind of dangerous weapon!
You have a wonderful looking porch- I am glad that mine is not the only one not ready- mine is full of things that need painted and flowers I was trying to somewhat protect during the winter. Can you believe this weather! When are we having spring can you tell me????!!
It will be beautiful again, very nice space just to sit back and relax. Debbie
A ton of potential you have that u need;) well maybe a few extras are needed(lol) Hugs French:)
I can't wait to see it all spiffied up! Great space...
I like your porch, and for you, I wish sunshine soon.
Hi Girlfriend...
So nice of you to stop by today...thank you for the sweet comments about my junk prints! Hehe!
Well my friend, I hear ya about your porch and Colorado weather!!! I just about fell off my chair when I seen your "clean me" written on the table!!! Girl, if you think it's dusty where you are...you should come up to northeastern Colorado! It's just so arid here and then when the wind blows (which is quite frequent)...it's like a dustbowl! I was trying to do some dusting this morning in fact...my least favorite chore!!!
Well...we know that warmer weather will come...and you will be able to get your pretty porch up and runnin'!!! I love seeing your past photos...you have such a nice space to just sit and relax or play games, etc! Your tractor seat is darling and Ooohh...I love that navajo blanket...it's gorgeous!!! I like that you use your farm and country decor out on your porch...it's darling!!!
We are warming up to about 70 today...it's nice! I have the windows and doors open. Do ya'll usually plant a big garden? We had intentions of doing one this year and then plans changed with all of the work that we're having to do over at Russell's dad's property! There's just not enough time!!! I know that I'll be envying you this summer though...when you're eating all of your fresh vegetables!!!
Talk to you later Darlin'!!!
Love ya,
I told Barb at Grits & Glamour that she needs to have another one of these dang parties. Seems good old mother nature didn't want to cooperate. Or in my case, good old procrastination. Loved your photos from last summer. Porches & patios are great places to escape to.
Sally, I love your Southwestern touch to the porch! Perfecto! ;) Stop by for my blog giveaway! The deadline for the closing is May 10, midnight, PDT. I'll be posting winners on Monday. More than one chance to enter! ;) ~CC Catherine from "Catherine de th`e Cup"
I love a screened in porch and if I could have one thing in my house that's what it would be...once the weather gets nice here where you would want to sit out on the deck you can't because of all the wood boring bees and other assorted bugs....Yuk!
i love that toy farm truck with veggies in the back of it. Your porch looks like a wonderful place to relax, and I'm sure the weather will permit that again soon. laurie
Ahh, the porch has great potential to be your summer retreat once you have a nice sunny day again.
What a peaceful place to hang out. Love your blog .. will keep visitng..
Boise Homes
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