Barb at Grits and Glamour
is hosting What's on Your Wall Wednesday.
In our small house, we are always looking for space to display and/or store our belongings. Several years ago we added these shelves above the windows in our bedroom. Since there are no curtains, they help to soften the lines of our interior- mount wooden shutters.
The shelf over the other window displays special pictures, childhood books, and our collection of ruby glass souvenir ware. Our souvenir cups and pitchers are from the early 1900's and are engraved with the names of towns. We have managed to find one from every town of birth of our immediate family members.
Thanks for stopping by, and now please go by Barb's blog to check out the other participants.
Very clever idea. We plan to do something similar in our cabin when we finish the inside. Someplace to showcase small antique pieces. It is nice to see in action so to speak.
great use of space that you normally would not use...I love interior shutters instead of curtains and I really like your souvenier (Oh that's not how you spell that!!) plates...You have the best old stuff....
That is sooo clever. I love that you use this as a headboard. I also like that you are utilizng often unused space. Its a great way to draw the eye up. And anyplace that offers additonal display area for plates is great with me. LOL
Thanks for joining this week's WOYWW. Blessings, Barb
Cute idea! I may have to "borrow" that one for Jacob's room. ~ Robyn
Hi Sally! I love the shelf over your window and you certainly know how to dress it up! It looks so pretty!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I love this idea, Sally! I like your shutters, too!
Sally what a great idea to put up those shelves above the windows!! And they are so high up no one would ever know that I would not dust them unless those little spiders to there nasty thing and give it away!!
DH is gone for the week and I am being a busy bee trying to get tons of stuff done! Hopefully the breakfast nook will get done finally!
Thank you for going over to our ministry blog- I forget to check that email address and Bill told me you left a comment. You and Dh will have to come over sometime and we will take you out to WHite Rock!
What a great collection on that shelf! Glad you have that space to use.
Ok now, you've got me scoping out my potential "shelf" candidates. Thanks for that! No really, thank you, I found great ones!
Great idea for additional storage, Sally and what a nice place to display your gorgeous treasures!...Christine
What a clever space-saving idea. I love those books and plates up high where little hands can't get to them.
Hello sweet friend...
So good to find a note from you today! Oh yes, I have had fun playing with PhotoFunia! But I'm afraid that I need to get busy. We're leaving for the weekend for a car show in Atwood, Kansas. It's a show that we've made for the past 3 yrs...lots of fun! I guess we're going to take our camping trailer this time so I'm really looking forward to that! No TV, no phone, and no computer! What??? no computer??? Eeekks, do you think I'll manage? Hehe! The break will be good for me! Ohhh and the best part...Atwood puts on a community wide yard sale on Saturday...I'm going to have fun! It will be my first yard sale of the season! Hehe! I told Russ that it has been a long, cold winter and I'm ready for the yard sales. I'm glad that we're taking our truck and then I'll have the camp trailer to fill up to! Hehe! You should have seen the look on my honey's face when I said THAT! Priceless!!!
Well my friend, I'm so glad that you're getting to go with friends tomorrow! Sounds like the perfect "day out"! Lunch and antiquing sounds fabulous!!! Have fun and enjoy!!! Sounds like you've been so busy and need the break!!!
I love the shelving that you added above your pretty shuttered windows! I really do love that look!!! And another great place to display "pretties"!!! The ruby glassware is gorgeous and I was also admiring your pretty plates!!! I love the larger red plate with the landscape!
Have a wonderful time tomorrow, my friend...and I will talk to you when I get back Monday!
Love ya,
I've never seen this before, so nice! Thanks for sharing! Luanne
I LOVE this idea Sally. I adore your shutters and wish I had ones exactly like them! But the idea of over window shelves is perfect. We had them is a few of our base housing assignments and I always loved them.
You know exactly how to *merchandise* them so beautifully too!
HI.. thats a neat idea..
The dishes look good there
Boise Homes
Hi, Sally,...I have shelves over some of my windows, too. Someone should do a Mr. Linky about SHELVES !! lol
Your's look fabulous...and I adore shutters so much more than curtains. Out here in West Texas, the sand blows a lot, especially in Spring. The shutters don't have to be cleaned as often as curtains or drapes....
Happy day, bj
I've always thought this was a clever use of space! I love those shutters and the shelf ties in so nicely. You're right, you can always use more display space!
How great that you thought to use the top of the window! Too bad my ceilings are 7' so there would not be enough space for books or normal sized plates.
I love the shelves. Without them the window would look Unfinished...and they are a great place to show off your pretty things!
I love the use of the shelves over the windows. Great use of space. And the shutters as a headboard is a great idea! Thanks for visiting with me. I am feeling better, thank you and thank you for your continued prayers.
I love shelves that are up high or above windows. I'm waiting for my hubby to put high shelves all the way around our game room so we can get it finished. Your shelves & the displays on them are wonderful.
Fabulous idea! The china on the shelf is so pretty. What a great display place and what a great job you did of arranging your treasures. laurie
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