It's time to make gingerbread boys and girls at Grammy's house.
We're getting the hang of it!
The flour is flying now!
The flour is flying now!
It's time to frost, and that means lick your fingers!!
The boys need eyes and buttons; the girls get eyes and a belt.
We're done - time to lick the bowl!
Grammy has done her job - filled them full of sugar! Now it's time to take the kids home to their parents.
I've been tagged by Robyn at There is always thyme for to list the things that reflect my love of Christmas. Along with the tag, came this great Christmas Spirit Award. Thanks, Robyn.

My love of Christmas ----
1. I enjoy my house all decorated with the mementos of past Christmases. They invoke so many memories of when we were first married, of our children when they were small, and all of the friends and family that have visited during the Christmas season.
2. I love my grand children around the house cooking with me in the kitchen, checking out the trees and their goodies, and playing with the Fontanini Nativity set with Baby Jesus and all of the animals. The joy of Christmas through their eyes is wonderful!
3. Christmas is not complete without going to candlelight services at church on Christmas eve. I'm amazed how good and quiet little children are when the candles are the only source of light. Their eyes sparkle like nothing else.
4. I can't forget the food. We experience new tastes with the gifts of food. There are always new recipes to try and old ones to make again. It ALMOST makes me like to cook.
5. I love the cold weather and the snow at Christmas. Unfortunately, we usually don't get that until January; but I can dream.
6. Anytime of the year, I like to shop; but at Christmas it is special shopping for others especially our little ones and those children less fortunate.
7. My kids have never missed coming home to our house at Christmas since they have become adults. I enjoy their company!!!!
8. And the best thing -- my faith in God is always renewed this time of year. I become so aware of my blessings.
Also, Carrie at Oak Rise Cottage has honored me with this award.

It states, "This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs exceedingly are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!" Isn't that beautiful? I have so much to live up to!!!!
I appreciate all of the awards I have received in the few months I have been blogging. But more than the awards, I'm appreciative of your friendships. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Have you noticed how independent most bloggers are? I, too, am not too good at following the rules. So, I have dispensed with them!! If you read my blog or are on my blog roll, please accept one of these awards. I treasure all of you!!
Thanks for stopping by,
you deserve the awards...and those cookies look wonderful! I hope you have a great weekend!
How fun to bake with your grandchildren. I can't wait till I have some though my 2 boys keep telling me I will have a long wait!!
We still have some snow. Went to Trinidad for an absolutely wonderful evening of music and singing at the beautiful Catholic
Church there. I had never been in the church as the accoustics were
fabulous. I thought I was already in heaven for a time there!!!
Hello Sally...
My friend, this is really what Christmas is all sure are making some wonderful memories with your grandchildren!!! They are absolutely beautiful! Sure makes me homesick for all ten of my grandchildren...they are all in Texas! Those gingerbread boys and girls are masterpieces!!!
Warmest wishes...Chari
They look like they had soo much fun! Congrats on the awards!
That's a wonderful tradition to bake with the grandkids. Congrats on those awards.
Isn't it fun to do something like this with your grandchildren and then be able to send them home! What precious grands you have, and what a wonderful activity for you to share with them. laurie
I just had to come back to tell you that while I was leaving a comment on your blog, I got a message that you had left one on mine! Sorry I wasn't home when you visited, but I was looking for you at your house! laurie
Looks like fun was had by all! Your cookies turned out perfectly. Licking your fingers is a MUST! My niece is here today so we will be baking the rest of our cookies today. I enjoyed your heartfelt answers.....Hope you are having a nice weekend! ~ Robyn
YUM...The cookies look tasty..and it's so fun they can do that with Grandma! And oh so nice of you to get them hyped up on sugar lol...Payback for when their parents were little!
Hi Sally...what a fun grandma... Letting the kids make a mess!! I'm so glad you tried the candy...see it's easy and nobody knows it's just tastes and looks good. Hey, Williams Sonoma gets big money for that stuff...Now you need to try the coconut ones, they are really good...I'll give you awhile before using the old candy thermometer....Have a great weekend...
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