Time for Met Monday hosted by Susan at Between Naps on the Porch. All winter I have been wanting some wool pillows for my living room, but everything was way out of my budget. So I headed to my local Goodwill and found this Ralph Lauren skirt for $2.00.
I threw the skirt in the washer with some Woolite, let hang til dry, then cut out the lining, zipper, and waistband. My trusty old sewing machine was just waiting to metamorphose a skirt into a pillow. I added some cording I had plus three shell buttons from my grandmother's button box to jazz it up a bit.
I'm pleased with it, and am now on the hunt for more Goodwill 100% wool skirts!
Now, go over to Susan's blog (Between Naps on the Porch) to check out all of the other great projects this week.
Thanks for stopping by,
what a great looking pillow...I especially like where you placed the cording....and if Ralph had thought to make a pillow instead of that skirt I can imagine how much he would have charged for it...say around $100.00...you did good.
Gorgeous job on the pillow! How smart you are to shop goodwill for a skirt! I may have to stop by and see what I can find!
What a great idea and beautiful result! That is a great pillow!!
Yea, who wears size 4??? Great look for those little scraps of fabric!
Happy Monday, Candy
Wow! I never thought of that! Hmmm....now you've got me looking in my OWN closet for future pillows! Have a great week...Debbie
wow that pillow looks great!!
Kathy :)
Sally... that pillow is fantastic! The best use of a size 4 skirt I've seen in about 45-years! Dixie
To be so talented & creative. I never would have thought of that! Your pillow turned out cute! ~ Robyn
What a fantastic idea! Love the pillow.
The pillow looks so nice, Sally. You are so talented. The cording and the buttons made a big difference....Christine
Great idea and what a steal!
Looks great;) The piping added the perfect touch! French;)
That pillow is so classy! Love the shape...you done good!
Great transformation, and Ralph Lauren decor is so "in!" Thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful job you did. Next time, show your sewing machine. Mine is in a box in the closet--broken!
Mornin' Girlfriend...
What a fabulous transformation!!! What a grand idea!!! Ohhh my...you have really started my "wheels a turnin'", my friend!
I love your new Ralph Lauren pillow, how creative you are!!! So where is this fabulous pillow going in your home?
Thanks for sharing this, Sally! Have a great Monday!
Warmest wishes...
Now Sally that was a transformation for sure. I just read about an old fur coat for making bears and now old Ralph in a pillow!! Just beautiful and very creative.
Love Claudie
Sally this is fabulous!!! Kudos!
What a clever make-over! You'll have lots of people running off to GW to look for wool skirts. ;o)
Very clever! I love that size and your embellishments are just perfect. And even my feet are twice the size of that skirt!
Roberta Anne
Now, that's resourceful! Excellent job on the pillow.
When I see something as nice as this, I wish I knew how to sew & that I had a sewing machine! Great job...;-) Bo
Wonderful job on the pillow. Great way to reuse!
Linda Q
What a great idea! I love the cording and the shell buttons. Now if only I was allowed to sew (long story involving my 8th grade home ec teacher) Kathy
OH MY GOSH...that is BRILLIANT!! Do you know how much you would have to pay for a pillow that fabulous in one of those fancy boutiques!!! Dang I wish I'd listened to my mom when she tried to teach me to sew! That really is beautiful!!!!
Great way to re-purpose a skirt that, no matter how lovely it was, would probably never have been purchased otherwise because it was too small for most everyone of average size who admired it! :-) And, because it was too small for everyone, you know have a terrific wool pillow for you... nice!!
Wonderful job!!
Victoria (one half of DesignTies)
You are so wise:) what a great idea and wonderful pillow for cheap! I love the touch of the added buttons. A beautiful job and it turned out so nice!
I borrowed some of your quetions from your interview for some who requested to be interviewed by me. I linked you in that post:)
Now THAT is my kind of pillow ... thrifty AND beautiful. Way to go.
Hi Sally...this is brilliant! I love the piping and buttons, too...perfect touch! You had asked how the sheers hold up out on the porch. I thought when I first bought them, I'd just use them for a year, toss them and buy more every summer...since I got all 10 panels for $50 at Walmart. But I am stunned to say that they still, almost a year later, look like they did the day I hung them. :-) So they have really held up well...maybe 'cause the porch is so high up. Thanks for your great Met Monday post! I know a lot of folks will be stealing this idea! :-) Susan
Your pillow looks fantastic.. right out of a high dollar magazine.. I'm going to have to remember this idea.. It's been warm the last couple of days, and now tonight down to 15 yikes.. tha's cold.. Thanks for the visit today darling..hugs ~lynne~
That pillow is fantastic...I love the idea and I love the style!!
Your transformed the skirt into a fine decor pillow.
now that is fantastic!!!! I wonder if my stapler could make something that nice? lol
You did a fantastic job. I used to cut up old fur coats to make christmas stockings! I have a sewing machine...just not really good at using it!
re-purposing is so fun! Great job!
Hi again. I really need to proofread before I hit the send button! I was saying that Susan is spot on that we'll be stealing this idea from your clever use of Goodwill! I have used upholstery remnants to make pillows before, but never thought of using clothing. Awesome job, and RALPH LAUREN to boot!
Hi Sally
Great idea and a great job! YOur pillow looks soooo good. I just love it.
I can't wait to see what you make next.
have a great day
Wow Sally it turned out great!! You are crafty my friend! I've purchased old cashmere sweaters and old fur stoles at the Goodwill with the hope of turning them into pillows or throws....I'm full of grand ideas (hence delusions of grandeur lol!) but pretty much zero crafty ability of any kind *sighs* Vanna
Very cute! That like my sweater pillow that I made. Goodwill is THE place - love it!
That's a very very cool idea!!! Good job!
Sally! WELL OH ME OH MY! That is fabulous! I made pillows the other day, but nothing like yours! Such a good sewer you are, I need lessons! :)
I had to come over here and find out what Nikki Crumpet was raving about. You did great with that pillow idea. So cool! Glad I stopped by to find out.
Sally,you are a great seamstress.This looks professional.It's lovely.My mom used to take a newspaper,cut out a pattern I liked out of a catalog .She'd go to the fabric store,then to the remnants dept.An hr later,I had a dress prettier than the one in the catalog.Looks like you have her talent.I finally can sew straight,sometimes...ann
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