Susie Q at Rabbit Run Cottage sent out offers to interview people on their blogs by sending them five questions to answer. It sounded like fun, and would maybe also help to revive my blog-fog brain. Before I answer the five questions she sent me; first, a few words about Sue's blog. It is one of my favorites because of its variety: she has just the type of home I love because it is filled with memories of her family and her travels; she takes us on such fun outings with her three-generational family (including her animals); she has a great sense of humor; and best of all, she is not afraid to say what is on her mind! She will take on any possible controversial subject and spell it out so eloquently. I'm always wishing I would have said that in the special way she does!!
And now Sue's questions for me---
1. Your blog is titled, "Salmagundi". Can you explain the meaning? Salmagundi, the food, means rows of different foods dressed with salad dressing. It can also mean a mixture of different items, ideas, and/or people. This seemed like where I was headed when I started blogging. I'm fond of alliteration, so have always liked the word because of my name, Sally, plus my last name is intertwined in the word, also.
2. You have been married for 50 happy years. Do you have some advice for the rest of us who wish to reach that oh so special milestone? I would never presume to think that what has worked for us will work for everyone; BUT since you asked, I'll expound a bit. I always think of all of those "C" words when thinking about successful marriage. The first one is COMMITMENT. We went into our marriage at age 19, knowing it was forever - no backing out ever! It was possible to do that because we had made the right CHOICE in a partner. We had known each other always, we were raised with the same values, and we had dated for a long, long time. COMPROMISE - both partners must compromise 100% of the time. That doesn't make sense mathematically, but in a relationship it is necessary to know you can't have exactly what you want. Usually, the result is even better than what you by yourself thought. We have always maintained a CHRISTIAN home. When you have faith in God, that removes the responsibility of your spouse to provide all of the joy in your life giving great freedom for love to grow between you. There are no CONTROL issues in our marriage - we have achieved oneness.
3. What is one of your most prized material possessions? I have so many, it is hard to choose - there are wonderful inherited dishes, gorgeous jewelry from my mother, furniture from great-grandparents, presents from my family (including my wedding ring from Bob). I can't choose, but I will tell you about a bible I have that was given to my great, great grandmother in 1846. Then she gave it to her son when he came west from Maine to Colorado in 1876. He didn't bring many possessions as he walked a good distance of the way, but the bible was cherished. Now, I have it.
4. What was you favorite book/movie/toy as a child? No doubt about it - I loved my dolls, my doll dishes, and my playhouse. I was a little wife/mother-in-training. And my favorite book:
And now Sue's questions for me---
1. Your blog is titled, "Salmagundi". Can you explain the meaning? Salmagundi, the food, means rows of different foods dressed with salad dressing. It can also mean a mixture of different items, ideas, and/or people. This seemed like where I was headed when I started blogging. I'm fond of alliteration, so have always liked the word because of my name, Sally, plus my last name is intertwined in the word, also.
2. You have been married for 50 happy years. Do you have some advice for the rest of us who wish to reach that oh so special milestone? I would never presume to think that what has worked for us will work for everyone; BUT since you asked, I'll expound a bit. I always think of all of those "C" words when thinking about successful marriage. The first one is COMMITMENT. We went into our marriage at age 19, knowing it was forever - no backing out ever! It was possible to do that because we had made the right CHOICE in a partner. We had known each other always, we were raised with the same values, and we had dated for a long, long time. COMPROMISE - both partners must compromise 100% of the time. That doesn't make sense mathematically, but in a relationship it is necessary to know you can't have exactly what you want. Usually, the result is even better than what you by yourself thought. We have always maintained a CHRISTIAN home. When you have faith in God, that removes the responsibility of your spouse to provide all of the joy in your life giving great freedom for love to grow between you. There are no CONTROL issues in our marriage - we have achieved oneness.
3. What is one of your most prized material possessions? I have so many, it is hard to choose - there are wonderful inherited dishes, gorgeous jewelry from my mother, furniture from great-grandparents, presents from my family (including my wedding ring from Bob). I can't choose, but I will tell you about a bible I have that was given to my great, great grandmother in 1846. Then she gave it to her son when he came west from Maine to Colorado in 1876. He didn't bring many possessions as he walked a good distance of the way, but the bible was cherished. Now, I have it.
4. What was you favorite book/movie/toy as a child? No doubt about it - I loved my dolls, my doll dishes, and my playhouse. I was a little wife/mother-in-training. And my favorite book:
Yes, the training was complete!! "Sally Goes Shopping Alone."
5. How did you meet your husband? I don't think we ever met. His family owned the grocery store, and Bob worked there from age 6 until we married. My parents and grandparents shopped at the store, and he was always there. Bob and I went to different grade schools, but when we entered high school in the 7th grade, we had classes together and shared a lot of the same friends. This is my favorite picture of those days - we were in the 7th grade, all gussied-up to go to a dance together, and I'm taller than he is!!!
5. How did you meet your husband? I don't think we ever met. His family owned the grocery store, and Bob worked there from age 6 until we married. My parents and grandparents shopped at the store, and he was always there. Bob and I went to different grade schools, but when we entered high school in the 7th grade, we had classes together and shared a lot of the same friends. This is my favorite picture of those days - we were in the 7th grade, all gussied-up to go to a dance together, and I'm taller than he is!!!

Well, thank you, Sue for the fun questions! If any one would like to be interviewed by me, I would be happy to send you five questions - just leave a comment and tell me you are interested.
Thanks to everyone for the well wishes concerning my health. I'm still feeling puny and have test results, x-rays, and appointments scheduled this week. At this point, I don't think it is anything serious; but I sure would like to eat some REAL food. I'll get around to visiting when I have more energy.
Sally...what a FABULOUS post! Love it! I love you advise for a successful marriage...and your most treasured
I hope you feel better soon! Cross off my blog for visiting...until you feel better... I know you would be there if you felt good... so just come back after you get some rest... I will still be there!
Sending hugs and cyber-chicken-soup!
Hi Sally....Love the picture from the 7th. grade dance...How wonderful that you have known each other forever...Very sweet story.
I love your #2 answers using the letter C. Thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful post. I once made a salad called Salmagundi and it was food in stripes. I loved your marriage advice.
Roberta Anne
I really enjoyed this interview, Sally girl. Your answers were so perfect...I can tell you put some thought into them. And, congrats on being married to your best friend for 50 years. Mine and I have another year to go...we will celebrate our 49th in April.
Hugs, bj
Sally This is a wonderful post! Thank you for sharing. What a testimony of your faith and commitment !
Praying you will be feeling chipper soon - We have shopping and lunching to do soon!!!
Oh Sally, what a wonderful life you and Bob have! I love that old picture of yours. What a great love story!..Christine
That was a fun read! I've often wondered about the name for your blog and now I know. That's such a cute picture of you two! I hope you feel better soon!
Hi Sally...
Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comment!!!
My friend, I really enjoyed reading your interview! Hehe...I always wondered what your blog name interesting...I learned something new today!!!
Also enjoyed reading about your ideals on marriage and totally agree! Congratulations on your 50 yrs. of marriage...that is quite an accomplishment and something to be very proud of!!!
Well my friend, I hope that you're having a marvelous Monday...thank you again for stopping by, it's always such a pleasure!!!
Warmest wishes,
Afternoon, Dear Sally! Oh, congratulations on the interview! I loved it! Aren't you and Mr. Sally the cutest little things! I surely hope you get to feeling better really soon!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Sally.. this is such an inspriring post. What a cherished possession to have your great grandmother's Bible..
I hope you feel better soon darling. I'm sorry you've been under the weather.. keep us posted when you're up to it.. I'll be here when you do..
hugs ~lynne~
Awww Sally...this is one of the sweetest meme I've ever read... and congratulations on your 50th anniversary...what a life! ;-) Bo
This was a wonderful post. Thank you Sally, and thank you Susie Q (whom I've never met, but I'll go over and see her). I love the wisdom you shared about marriage (so well put. I loved your story of the bible (so touching). I even loved your explanation of Salmagundi. And that picture of the little book is so precious! Good luck with your medical tests. I'll say prayers for you. laurie
Very sound advise, I think commitment is the thing that hold many marriages togeather. All in all very good answers and from the heart.
I enjoyed reading your interview Sally...especially the Cs of a good marriage. Hope you're feeling better!
Hey, Dear Sally! Just checking in on you and hope you're feeling better.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Oh, Sally...hope you are well on your way to recovery. Loved reading your answers and that photo of you and hubby is the cutest!
Hi Sally :)
Sue asked you some great questions! You did a great job answering them too, especially the marriage one :)
Feel better!
GM Sally, this girl is a wonderful post to learn more about you as a person..and what a wonderful love story WOW!! and 50 years...I made it to 39 before God called my Wally home..and girl those were the most wonderful years of my life..we had all the C's going for us..any hoo better get off of that or I'll start crying again..Now girl you get well and just take me off your list to spend that time resting instead..and Yes you could interview me..but I think everyone in blogland would be bored to death with my have a safe and blessed day dear friend..sending prays your way...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
This is so interesting! I love it. xo rachel
Sally! I am overwhelmed at how beautifully you answered each and every question! Not that it is a surprise write so well and are such a beautiful woman...your spirit glows.
Thank you for allowing me to offer you the questions and for your answers. I feel so blessed.
I will keep you in my prayers and heart...feel better soon okay? You are so, so special.
That was a very fun interview. It was great to find out about you and your husband and your secrets to a long and happy marriage. I especially loved seeing the old photo of the two of you. Great post!
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