I'm frustrated today! Does anyone else out there still sew? If so, are you having trouble finding sewing supplies?
I've sewn for years and years and have made everything from clothes including coats and costumes to anything for the household: tablecloths, curtains, quilts, dust ruffles, etc . etc.
Well, it is time for a new dust ruffle for our king-sized bed. In anticipation of this project, I had bought fabric; but not the necessary supplies. While at Hobby Lobby last week (an 80 mile round trip), I figured I had better pick up some Velcro. My favorite way of making a dust ruffle is to put a fitted sheet onto the box springs, then attach the ruffle to that with Velcro. It seems that things in Hobby Lobby's fabric department have changed.
The last time I purchased Velcro it was sold by the yard from a roll, but now it is sold only in 1 yard packages. They only had 3 packages - I need 7 yards. Oh well, I'm thinking, I can pick the rest up at my local Wal-Mart even though it will be more expensive.
Fast forward to Wal-Mart -- there were at least 10 different kinds of 'self-adhesive' Velcro. But, I need the 'sew-on' kind as the adhesive-type gunks up my sewing machine. They did have 2 packages of sew-on, but they were the wrong width.
While waiting (and waiting) to ask the clerk a question, I was talking to another customer. She told me that Wal-Mart was pulling the fabric departments out of their Denver stores. Is that going to happen in my small town? I'm not that fond of Wal-Mart, but I don't really relish the idea of driving to JoAnn Fabrics (a 120-mile round trip) to buy a spool of thread.
Back to the Velcro issue. It is still not solved. I could buy a 25-yard roll of Velcro at a decent price on-line; but at my age, 25 yards of Velcro is a pretty big commitment.
Here is my sewing machine in happier times sewing on yards and yards of Velcro.
Now, is this what is going to happen to my sewing machine?

Maybe, I should just go ahead and buy that 25-yard roll of Velcro. Just think how happy I'll make someone when they find a partially used roll of vintage Velcro at my estate sale!!