It is time for Met Monday again hosted by Susan at
Between Naps on the Porch.
Be sure to check out her blog for a list of the participants this week. I'm sure you will find lots of great before and after pictures!
This week I want to share just a mini-metamorphosis with you. About a month ago, all of you started to talk about Spring. Well, I'm a died-in-the-wool winter person - I love my winter and here in Colorado we haven't had near enough snow this year to suit me. But, I thought at the time that I should get with it; so I cleared my little cupboard of its winter (Father Time) decor.
Oh, but it was just too soon for Spring. I couldn't make myself get into it, so I just closed the door!
Bob tells me that he is going to plant the peas and lettuce in the garden next week. And, this weekend we changed our clocks to adjust to daylight savings time. I'm still being dragged into Spring kicking and screaming. I just don't look forward to dealing with summer clothes, bug bites, heat stroke, wind, hot weather, possible floods and/or wildfires, and tornadoes.
But, I'm making an effort! Here is my mini-metamorphosis attempt at welcoming Spring. I got out some of my antique and vintage Easter items.
Ha, Sally...you are toooo funny! I love summer and the heat...I spend all winter trying to get and stay warm! LOL I love your vintage/antique spring treasures...they are sooo wonderful! I think I'll look for some this spring...instead just the new stuff that's everywhere. Great Metamorphosis...I love it!
(BTW, your link didn't work for some reason, so just I re-added you to Mr. Linky. :-) Susan
Even though you are reluctant to move into spring, you did a great job decorating for it!
Hi Sally! Oh, honey, you like the winter!! Well, spring's a comin'! I love what you've done in your little cabinet! You really know how to put together a vignette. Everything looks precious.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Wonderful spring vignette! I had to giggle when I saw you "shut the door"....funny... I am ready fo spring too!
What a wonderful little space you have for the changing seasons. Now if we had all of that wonderful snow, I think I'd be a little less anxious for spring too.
Ohhhh...I love the springy look of your cupboard!!! Cute post!...Debbie
What a great transformation and what a clever way to display all of those little bits.
Sally- Well did the little skiff of snow yesterday help with moving on to spring??? I wrote you a huge comment sent it and then realized you were not going to receive it because I had replied to the email comment that was sent me and forgot to go to your blog-- boy was I foggy brained on that one!!!
I love you little spring vignette - I applaud you DH for getting some veggies in the ground- we haven't even broken ground for the garden yet!!
Hi Sally, I think you and Rue are the only ones I know that love winter. I love your mini display an what you did to it. Nice anntique collection!...Christine
How happy and fun to have such wonderful, charming and unique treasures! (I love to just imagine how they were loved & appreciated in the days of yore) ~~~ Am so glad you shared these pics... soooo lovely! Many warm thanks, Linda
SO fun!! Perfect make-over!
kari & kijsa
Sometimes shutting the door and waiting on inspiration is the best thing! We had a covered chicken like that when I was growing up--mom kept the butter out in it. We always had soft butter for toast and nobody ever got sick so I guess it was safe!
LOL! I think you're the only person I know who isn't waiting anxiously for spring! You did a wonderful job adding some spring to your cabinet!
Hi Sally...when I see sweet little vintage things like yours, I always wish I had some...but being raised pillar to post like I was, there just weren't any. I love enjoying yours! ;-) Bo
Cute vignette! Great choice for today! Happy Monday!
It would be fun to have a seasonal cabinet like that.
Oh - I love your cabinet and what you do with it - (both seasons!)
Those lambs are just the cutest!
Oh Sally, you can have my winter. Although I love the change of seasons, I am looking forward to spring. But you are right, we didn't get our big "snowed in" snowstorm here yet this winter. I love when the whole family is snowed in and everything is closed. It can still happen - I remember Jacob's 10th birthday (late April) we had a doozy of a snowstorm! Your display sure is cute! I adore those little lambs! ~ Robyn
Very sweet met monday post, love your change of spring things in your cabinet.
Linda Q
I hear a kindred spirt. I love winter and cold gray skies. I wanted snow and got so little. I don't like stinky hot Summer and once Spring gets here, can Summer be far behind. Also it is hard enough to take care of the inside but now there is a quarter acre of yard to deal with. Today it is snowing a very little so I think Spring is not here yet. Loved your post.
Roberta Anne
You are a die hard winter person! Your Easter scape is cute. My favorite is the lambs. I am such a lamb person. You reminded me that I have an old card that my Daddy gave my Grandmother (both are gone & I miss them so). I am getting up right now to go get that card to put out & enjoy. Thanks for the nudge!
Hi Sally. this looks wonderful! I love what you have done with the vintage beautiful items. It looks wonderful. Don't you love vintage!
I love your cabinet metamorphosis, Sally!
We had tornado watches and warnings yesterday and a few touch downs as well. It's way too early for that kind of Spring weather!!!!
Girl don't be talking none of that snow talk around here...I got stuff blooming out everywhere...I am so ready to sit on the porch again....I know by Summer time I'll melt before I can get the door shut good but I do so look forward to Spring! lol I love the cabinet...your treasures are beautiful....I love seeing vintage things like that...ohhh the memories that hold...thanks for coming by girl...hope you have a great week!
EASTER!!! yikes I am still feeling the after effects of Christmas!! But on a good note we had a warm day here today so spring is coming!! Woohoo...the little vignette looks lovely;) French
Oh, this is just so charming! I love everything you have put into your shelves. That little pail is just so cute. laurie
What a nice little spot to change up with the holidays and seasons!
Oh, it looks so pretty...both in it's winter and spring dress.
I love the wintertime, too, Sally girl. I love the fires in the wood burning stove, the hot coffee and tea, the warm throws...spring in West Texas is NOT pleasant. Lots of blowing sand, bugs, the whole bit. Summers are nice tho...hot and dry mostly.
Yep, I am holding on to winter, too, but...alas, it has passed...
Sally I'm a fall lover! Can't get enough of crisp fresh air!*winks* I know you're not crazy about letting go of winter but your transformation is wonderful!You have so many really charming things to decorate with!
Hmmm I'm surprised there are such differences in color between here and Colorado?...I think I'd really like all those jewel tones. I guess I need to do some tiquin' in Colorado. Vanna
Hi Sally! Oh thanks for popping in to see my pillows. Hope your week is going well.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Hi Sally...thanks for stopping in today....your spring vignettes are so pretty. My hubby finally got my Easter tub down. Now I get to remind myself of what I have!!
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