at Grits and Glamour .
Barb's husband was scheduled for serious surgery on Monday. I hope and pray for Barb, her husband, and her family that everything is going well.
This week I would like to show you a photo that hangs in our guest bathroom. It shows a picture of my paternal family's home that was taken in the early 1870s near Parkman, Maine. In the early 1990s, my father and I went in search of this house; but we only found the rock wall as the house was long gone.
My grandfather is the little boy with his arms folded in the left front of the photo. His mother is seated in the center front. She died shortly after this picture was taken. My grandfather always said that they were very proud of those two twin calves on the right. The rest of the people are assorted relatives, including some Bartons. I was told we were distant relatives of Clara Barton, the founder of the Red Cross.
Hi Sally....great picture...I just found a picture of my grandmother in a bathing suit from like 1930. it's hysterical. I would love to have it blown up because it's very small...How did you have your picture enlarged...I'm afraid they're going to say it can't be done.
Sally, that is so neat that you have this picture. Your Dad was a little cutie! I bet that was a fun trek with your Dad searching for his old house. Does your family still own the land? ~ Robyn
What a great picture, sally its just pricless...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Oh wouldn't that have been fun if the house was still there!!
Thank you for sharing the picture and the history of it!
I love the antler towel holder too- great idea!
Are you still feeling well? Were you supposed to hear back from the Dr?
How nice that you have a pic of your ancestors and their home This is a real treasure...Christine
Your family picture is a keeper; however, the towel rack is in a spot where wet towels will mess with that picture.
Thanks for stopping by my Oak Rise Cottage blog...Yes, I do have to pay $40. each time they plow the snow. I am always hoping that it won't snow more than an inch or tow so there's no need to plow. The $40 also covers clearing the front steps and the access to the mail box for the postal delivery. If the area around your box is not properly cleared, the postal service does not stop to deliver the mail.
Thanks so much for visiting my French Dream today...
What a great photo! Your Dad was so cute...and I love that you have this on display in your home!
xo Lidy
Hi Sally...
I was planning a "What's on your Walls Wednesday" post today but when I went over to Barb's I didn't see any mention of it! I'm so glad that you let us know what was going on...I'll sure add Barb's husband to my prayer list! I hope that all is well!
Well my friend, I just love seeing your family's old homestead! Aren't these old photos amazing? As you know, we have recently become the owners of my husband's family photos and we have several of their old family homestead! They are priceless!!!
I actually have an amuzing story...up until 8 yrs. ago I lived in South Texas. I met my husband via the internet...yep, we were friends for quite some time before I actually came to Colorado. But the funny thing is...the whole reason our relationship started was because he was from the same area in Colo. as my great-grandparents. It ended up that he knew all of my relatives...hehe! Sooo...now here I live in Colorado...just a few miles away from my great-grandparent's homestead. I've been out to see it...some of it is still there! Russell and I are definitely proof that "we live in a small world"...hehe!!!
Have a wonderful Wednesday, my friend!
Love ya,
This is wonderful Sally!
We have a photo of J's dad and his brothers and sisters and cousins and aunts and uncles on the steps of the old farmhouse, on the family's original farm. Family still lives on what is left of the acreage. The house is still, standing on a portion of ground, that was sold, but in bad shape. When we pass by there, we think about what it would be like to rescue that old house.
Wonderful post!!
Love the photo and the wonderful story behind it and the towel rack is too cute!
Roberta Anne
I love the picture sally. I love old ones and have so many from my family that I treasure. Thank youf ro sharing this one, and it's story, with us! It is a treasure to be sure.
Hi Sally! What a wonderful picture to have! And to be able to see your Dad as a tiny one!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :0
Hi Sally...how great is it that you have these marvelous photos! Most people back in the day could not afford to have pictures taken..
wow, descendants of Clara Barton...that is incredible! ;-) Bo
Great picture Sally! That's too bad that the house wasn't still there when you went looking for it. It's wonderful that you have this picture at least.
I love old photographs and that is a great one! I like it so much better than the antlers lol
What a special picture. I would think that would have been a huge house for that era. Thank you for sharing this bit of your past. I enjoyed it. laurie
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