Wednesday, November 12, 2014


When she is rich and famous and writes her tell-all book about friends and family, she can write a chapter about "We were so poor, my 75-year-old grandmother had to take my Senior pictures with her 'point and shoot' camera".  
I was hesitant when Caitlin first asked me to take her Senior pictures; but she kept saying, "We can do this."  She has good editing skills, so I knew she could remove an antenna pole growing out of her head if necessary.  I do have a decent eye for detail, plus lots of practice with the zillion pictures I have taken of her beginning with the day she was born.
She really hated to spend such a large amount of her hard-earned summer money for a professional photographer, as there are a lot of extra expenses during a Senior year in high school.  I'm not knocking the pros -- they really do earn every cent plus have an investment in equipment -- it is hard work, believe me! 
So, we ventured out.  She and I really are pansies (actually prissy) out-of-doors.  We enjoy looking at nature -- just don't want to interact with it too much, as we don't like to get dirty, step in unknown stuff, etc.  And, we did encounter wind, bugs, cactus, bear scat, and dirty rocks and logs.  However, we did see a lot of friendly people out and around.  At first, I thought they were smiling because Caitlin is so adorable; but then I thought they must be laughing at the old lady's antics trying to take the pictures. 
Now don't you laugh at that image in your head (but we laughed a lot). 
Over three different months, we did four different photo shoots -- first at two different parks in a neighboring big city; then in the countryside; on our local river walk; and at the historic city hall building where her Papa Bob worked for so many years.  She and I had spent many a time there waiting so we could take Papa out to lunch for a treat after pre-school.
And now, she is all grown-up!
 I used my trusty Sony Cyber-shot HX5V camera.  This little 'point and shoot' has photographed everything from the Eiffel Tower in Paris to cathedrals in Germany to shrines in Japan.  So why not Senior pictures?
And, Caitlin was right -- "We can (and did) do this!"  
I hope in years to come when she looks at these pictures, she remembers the fun time we had in this little adventure together.
These are some of the out-takes ----  (It's hard to stay focused ALL of the time.)

 Caitlin has given me permission to show off her many faces. Thanks for indulging this grandmother during this very long post! 

I'm joining the following:
Nancherrow for Fridays Unfolded
Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
Pieced Pastimes for Saturday Sparks
Be Different Act Normal for Show and Tell Saturdays
Smiling Sally for Blue Monday
Boogie Board Cottage for Masterpiece Monday
Confessions of a Plate Addict for The Scoop Tuesday
Coastal Charm for Show and Share Tuesday
A Stroll Thru Life for Inspire Me Tuesday
Kathe with an E for You're Gonna Love It Tuesday
Ivy and Elephants for What's It Wednesday
Green Willow Pond for What We Accomplished Wednesday
Have a Daily Cup for Share Your Cup Thursday
Imparting Grace for Grace at Home


Sue @Rue-Mouffetard said...

wonderful post of beautiful Miss Caitlin....they were all beautiful pictures..but which one will be in her senior yearbook??...I was hoping you would have posted "the" picture at the must be hard to pick just one...I loved them all..your a very special grandmother and she's a very special must have been a wonderful experience for your both....

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Oh yes! Grandma certainly can do this!! She is a doll and they look as good as any professional could do! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally! Oh, how I loved this post! You, granny Sally, are a natural photographer in hiding. Well, you've actually come out with thes photo sessions!. Your snaps are just lovely and your charming Caitlin is beautiful and I see the love in her eyes for her grandmother! I'm sure you both had a great time! The snaps are really beautiful! Thanks for popping in to see me and I'm trying to returns visits as we've just gotten home (NY) from Texas.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

bj said...

JUST did an amazing job....the little camera did an amazing job...but with a model like in the world could you go wrong !!!
Excellent photos to be very proud of.

deb said...

She's beautiful and you did a great job!!

xinex said...

Caitlin is so gorgeous and your photos are fantastic! I am a Sony kind of camera girl too and YES, you did it!...Christine

Elaine said...

Beautiful girl and smart too. She knew her grammy would know her best and she would be most comfortable with you and not a pro photographer.

Do let us know which one she chose.

SmilingSally said...

Hi Sally,

You sure did "do that!" Good job; I'd like to know which one she preferred since they're all of a gorgeous young lady. (Why, you even captured those high heels.)

My pregnant granddaughter is only 21, but she's been married for 1 1/2 years.Thanks for playing today.

Happy Blue Monday!

Annesphamily said...

Wow! Your camera is so cool! The shots of your pretty grand girl are wonderful. Senior year can take a financial toll for sure! Both you and your grand daughter did great! Thanks for sharing. Have a great week.

Tea in the Library said...

First - great job! Your granddaughter is adorable and how blessed you are to have each other. And a good camera! So glad you shared this - really brought a smile to my face.

The Decorating Chica said...

I do the same! Way to go.

Deborah@Green Willow Pond said...

Those are some great photos and you and Caitlin will have some terrific memories. Great job!

Thank you for sharing it at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great weekend! Blessings, Deborah